HomeGeranyl Acetate 30ml 100% pure
Geranyl Acetate 30ml 100% pure
Geranyl Acetate 30ml 100% pure
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Geranyl Acetate 30ml 100% pure

Product Description

Odour (decreasing): Sweet, fruity-floral, rosy, green, slightly lavender-like Main Synonyms: [(2E)-3,7-dimethylocta-2,6-dienyl] acetate

Description –

Geranyl acetate is an exceptionally versatile top-note material. A lighter, fresher alternative to Geraniol, present in a range of herbs, flowers and essential oils it’s ideal for adding a fresh top-note to a fragrance without being overtly citrus, green or even very floral. It blends easily into almost all compositions adding a little lift.

Usage -

Arctander says it is: “Widely used in perfume compositions as a sweetener and modifier in floral, fruity, herbaceous and Citrusy fragrance types, usually at a modest level of one to five percent in the concentrated perfume oil, but with great variations according to the purpose of its use. It blends well with Bergamot, Lavender, Rose, Muguet, Wallflower, Ylang Ylang, Neroli and even Leather, Oriental and other very complex fragrance types.”


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