HomeVeramoss / Evernyl 30 ml 50% in DPG
Veramoss / Evernyl  30 ml 50% in DPG
Veramoss / Evernyl  30 ml 50% in DPG
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Veramoss / Evernyl 30 ml 50% in DPG

Product Description

Odour (decreasing): Mossy, oakmoss, woody, phenolic, earthy Main Synonyms: methyl atratate; methyl 2,4-dihydroxy-3,6-dimethylbenzoate; veramoss; verymoss.

Description –

A deceptively powerful material that can have a significant effect on a blend: It is an excellent fixative and adds great depth and substance to almost any fragrance.

Usage -

Note that we’re using the names Evernyl and Veramoss because they are familiar – current stock is original Veramoss produced by IFF but we sometimes also carry a generic product of the substance also known as Evernyl, Methyl Atratate etc – if the provenance is important to you please contact us to check prior to purchase. Used alongside natural oakmoss it is possible to create a very effective facsimile of a traditional Fougère using this material, though it isn’t a full substitute for oakmoss on its own, this chemical is one of the key odour components of oakmoss absolute.


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